March 2018 – Centro was recognized by Salt Lake County for its exceptional outreach and youth services during National Safe Place. Safe Place locations provide access to immediate supportive resources, to support teens in crisis situations. Centro is committed to continuing to provide a Safe Place for teens in Utah.
March 2018 – Centro was one of five Migrant Head Starts recognized nationally for innovation during the 2018 annual National Migrant Head Start Association Conference in Costa Mesa, California.
September 2017 – Centro was recognized by the Council for Professional Recognition, for its innovative Parent Engagement Conferences and its large number of Child Development Associates (CDAs) in the community.
"Your efforts to offer high-quality early childhood services to disadvantaged children are outstanding. And your love and passion for the work really shines through. With great passion and love in your hearts, you are leaders in the field of early childhood education."
- Kellie Kohler, Utah Head Start Collaboration Office Director
As part of a State-funded grant, Centro offers its comprehensive Head Start services to an additional 12+ children a year who are 4 years old and preparing to enter Kindergarten. Select centers were reviewed by the State using the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS), revealing a 22% improvement on average from the previous year.
April 2024 – Centro was honored with the Social Impact Award at JourneyTeam's Business Technology Summit, recognizing their exceptional contributions and positive impact on the community.